Grunge Row Shapes
Goatober Logo

Goatober 2019

Taking place every October, Goatober is an international food festival with two aims: put more goat meat on the menu and put all male goats born into the dairy system in to the food system.

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Goatober Events


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Goat Curry


Discover delicious recipes using a sustainable meat.


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Grunge Row Shapes

Friends of Goatober

Milk, Meat, Leather. Friends of Goatober come from all corners of the industry from farmers, suppliers, chefs and luxury leather makers.

Billy Tannery Logo

Billy Tannery

British leather brand founded by Jack Millington and Rory Harker
Gizzi Esrkine

Gizzi Erskine

Chef, food writer and stylist.

Tom Hunt

Food and sustainability writer and chef
Gelf Alderson Chef

Gelf Alderson

Executive Head Chef at River Cottage
James Whetlor Founder of Cabrito Goat Meat

James Whetlor

Founder of Cabrito Goat Meat

Gill Meller

Chef and award-winning writer

Jeremy Lee

Head Chef at Quo Vadis, London
Hugh Fernley-Whittingstall of River Cottage

Hugh Fernley-Whittingstall

Broadcaster, cook and founder of River Cottage
